2022 Budget Planning and Social Committee – an invitation to participate

2022 Budget Planning and Social Committee – an invitation to participate


2022 Budget Planning

Budget planning for the 2022 fiscal year has begun for Council. Are there any areas of concern that should be addressed? Do you have ideas that you feel should be investigated further?

Please send any comments or suggestions to administration at [email protected] prior to December 9, 2021. Council will consider each one in the next council meeting on December 13, 2021.

SVPB Social Committee

Councillor Robinson has taken the lead in creating a Social Committee for the Summer Vilalge. The goal is to start planning events in early 2022 for the Spring and Summer seasons. Events that cater to all residents, young and old, utilizing all facilities we have to offer.

For an opportunity to play a key role in the social activities in your community, please contact Darcy Robinson at [email protected].